5 Steps to Emotional Freedom.

Fall utterly in love with your life, in 5 days!

Fall utterly in love
with your life,
in 5 days!

Have you ever wished life could just be easier?
That you could experience more peace, fulfilment and just have more fun?

It's true.

Love, peace and fun do all go hand in hand.

I'll be showing you how to drop into a rock solid trust in yourself, and in your own instincts so you can make the right decisions every time, by deeply opening up your own intuition and safely opening up your heart to loads more love, peace and fun, just the way you've always known you could.

Maybe you just didn't know how.

This has a ripple effect through all areas of your life.

Overall, when you can trust fully in your own intuition, you'll be able to experience a deeper joy, fulfilment and love in every part of your life.

Mindset Mastery 101!

Is the mindset basics, everyone needs to get the most out of life. Dissolve stress, free up time and space in your mind and get a whole new level of fulfilment from a life that you are now in love with!

And it's only $17 USD

🌺  So many reasons to dive right in. 🌺

If you take what I'll be showing you on board, you'll be able to experience more of these:

Contentment in your everyday life, so you can actually enjoy it, now.

Know what really matters and how to let go of what doesn't, to free up time and space in your mind and live in the moment.

Increased confidence in the decisions you make, every time, so you can stop worrying about doing it wrong and be absolutely certain that you're on the right track.

You'll gain one specific insight that could seriously be a relationship saver and a sanity saver!

You'll be able to discover an unshakable determination to follow your own intuition, above and beyond what anyone else's opinion. When you know you are your own best guide, then you won't be easily influenced by other people, and you'll be able to trust yourself more than anyone else, with confidence.

Discover the main two, different kinds of thinking, that people often get stumped by and use them to your advantage to bring more peace, love and fulfilment into all of your relationships.

Know which kind of thinking works best at which times, so you can stay calm, clear and strong, and back yourself completely.

Connect more deeply into the innate wisdom you've always had, so you can let go of negative emotions that just don't need to be there, and quickly find your way back to peace and love whenever you need to.

Open up your intuition by mastering your own emotional compass, so you can learn life's lessons faster, more smoothly, and speed up your personal evolution. After all, learning new things that deeply improve your life, is exhilarating!

Take control of how you operate your mind, for more purposeful, more pleasing, and more surprising outcomes. And yes - You will be surprised!

Best of all, start creating life in the exact the way YOU want it to be! 
That's a big promise. I'll show you how.

If you can really embody this work, you'll experience a deeper fulfilment love and fun, in every part of your life.

William. Perth, WA

"Astonishing. Whatever the hell you do with your life, please don't stop the emotional positivity coaching. You're amazing and it bloody well works. Thank you!!"

A now happy Husband with three University degrees!

See that?.. He said, "Astonishing." 🙏

Course Summary

Day 1

Inner Guidance

Activate Your Emotional Compass

You know yourself better than anyone else does.

You'll be able to tap deeper into your own inner guidance, so you can be confident in all of your decisions and back yourself completely.

We’re going to open up your intuition using your own innate emotional compass, so you can drop into a rock solid trust in your own instincts and really back yourself, confidently making the right decisions every time.

Day 2

Feeling Your Illusions

You'll be able to see right through other people's emotions to read between the lines to see what's really going on, and you'll be able to do the same for yourself.

I'll be showing you how to let difficult people’s antics slide like water off a duck's back, even when they're directing their negative energy right towards you, so you can stay chilled, dissolve all of that emotion, and keep your gorgeous heart safe, calm and content.

Day 3

Head to Heart Thinking

We'll be covering how and when to think with our hearts, so we can calculate less, love more and really live in the moment.

By using one quick and simple tip, all of the things that are causing you stress, seem to slow right down. You’ll feel like you have a lot more time and energy to respond to these things in a calm and creative way. 

Day 4

Better Control of Your Mind

Who even are you?

Drop into the depth of being your own person, the person you've always known you are deep down, and live confidently in your own beautiful personal power.

Discover how we can bend reality and change our paradigms to create the things we want. By taking control of our responses, we can even influence seemingly bad situations to benefit our outcomes and our lives. 

You'll hear an amazing true story that beautifully illustrates this very technique and learn how you can use it too.

Day 5

The Power of Your Focus.

The real secret to manifesting.

Discover why we often don't get what we want, even when we think we're laser focused on it, and experience for yourself how the power of your focus can make dreams come true in every area of your own life.

Now we get to bring it all together and experiment! :-)  
Let's put into action, all that we’ve covered in the first four days. 
See for yourself, how differently the world responds to a whole - new - you!

Plus Surprise Bonuses!

  Well... They're a surprise 😃✨

Katherine, from London says;

"You are very kind. You put in such a big effort for me. I appreciate it very much."

A recently single, beautiful lady in her 50's.

Course Pricing

Forever Access.

$17 USD

  • Emotional Freedom Awaits.

Enrol Today

Lisa Maree Pitman - Emotional Freedom Coach.  

Leanne. Perth, WA

“Lisa has got, the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met. I like talking to her because I can tell her anything and I know she won't judge.”

Formerly a target of bullies, Leanne is now confident, strong and loving her life.

Have Are you seriously in love with your life?

Would you love to be?

Mindset Mastery 101!

Is the mindset basics, everyone needs to get the most out of life. Dissolve stress, free up time and space in your mind and get a whole new level of fulfilment from a life that you are now in love with!

And it's only $17 USD

🌺  So many reasons to dive right in. 🌺

If you can really embody this work, you'll experience a deeper joy,  fulfilment and love in every part of your life.

Course Pricing

Forever Access.

$17 USD

  • Emotional Freedom Awaits.

Enrol Today