Insiders The Accelerated Evolution Experience.

Begins January 2023 - With Continuing Gold Membership


We begin on the 11th of August.

Insiders πŸ˜ƒ The Accelerated Evolution Experience.

The first Insiders LIVE Masterclass is scheduled for Thursday the 5th of January - West Australian time.
Here's a handy time converter:

This one is all about using our mental and energetic focus to turn our lives around and create more of what we actually want. We'l talk about how and why it works, and how to do it.

Just using our focus πŸ’•

You get a say in where we go next πŸ˜ƒ

All other new Insiders content for each month will be released in live video, audio and written format in our exclusive group as whatever needs to come through for you, comes through.

Replays will be available.

You will have forever access to all content that you receive while you’re a part of Insiders.

Founding members (that’s you) only pay for the first six months - AND then you STILL get to keep ongoing access to all new - Insiders - Masterclasses, and all new, extra - Insiders - content for life πŸ’–

✨ Platinum and V.I.P. Founding Members also get access to my course - Mindset Mastery 101! 5 Steps to Emotional Freedom - INCLUDING all future updates. It's a great head start and if chosen, it will be available for you immediately in your membership site, as soon as you log in πŸ˜ƒ

This is going to be one amazing journey.

See you inside! ✨

Insiders The Accelerated Evolution Experience.

Begins January 2023 - With Continuing Gold Membership

Why Group Coaching?

It's personal...  

I love being in a group myself.    

I love being emersed in the group connection that you get with a circle of people who are sharing the same journey and a journey that not many other people understand.    

We get so much out of other people's input, when they ask questions we haven't yet thought of and share their own take, on whatever topic we're discussing.    

I love growing together. I love the way people want to help and support each other, and I love feeling like I have a tribe to belong to. It’s so bonding.    

I've been a part of groups like these in the past and over a decade after finishing up the first one, we're all still good friends.    

I want to give the amazing people in my world that special group experience too.

Increase Your Well-being  🌺  

The world is changing very rapidly. So our minds - our internal operating systems - need constant updates just like our smart phones do.  Discover how to operate your mind in a brand-new way so you can dissolve stress and be free to enjoy the life you were born to love. πŸ’  

"If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.

~ African proverb.

This is for you if:

βœ”  You love the exhilaration of personal growth.

 βœ”  You're open to guidance and discovering new paradigms. 

βœ”  You love the idea of evolving right alongside likeminded people as part of a supportive community.  

You will need to bring a notepad, an open mind and a willingness to discover a whole new way of seeing relationships, situations and all other things.

I can't wait to see what unfolds for you.

But of course, it won't be for everyone...

This is NOT FOR YOU if:

βœ”  You're not open minded, curious and eager to discover things that are new and different to what you already know.

 βœ”  You want everyone to impress everyone with how amazing you already are and how much you already know. (Even though you definitely are amazing.)

βœ”  You're not willing to do anything new or to take responsibility for the life you're creating.

We are the only ones living in our unique individual minds, making our own decisions, doing our own thinking and behaving, and we are the only ones creating the lives we are living.

We are not at the mercy of whatever life throws at us. We all want fulfilment, so we might as well find out how to create life on the next level.

This is not for you if you don't want to do the work.

I can give you tools, strategies, processes, wisdom and loads of helpful information. I can even take you by the hand and guide you through using everything I have to offer.

For the V.I.P.s, I can take you 
soul deep and guide you through paradigm shifting, life altering processes that will blow your mind.

I can be there to help keep you on track and to guide you through doing the work for yourself, 
but here’s the thing:

You have to do the work.  

It's a lot easier with the right guidance.

But... even though this stuff is really incredible, I know some people are wanting a mystical silver bullet that just doesn't exist. 
Transformation takes a little time. 

We can't stand next to our personal trainers watching them work out and hoping we'll get fit. They can show us what to do, they can give us all the guidance in the world, but we have to do the actual work too, and when we do that, we get our own results. 

This is not a pity party.

Life is hard...

We've all had it hard, and that's exactly why I created Insiders. 

I was able to learn my way out of the emotional pain from a very difficult childhood.

In the process, I found my freedom and also found myself wishing everyone in the world could know some of the most helpful, and life changing things I'd learned along the way.

This membership is to help those of you who are willing and wanting to create the changes in your life that you absolutely deserve.

We are going to really knuckle down on this personal growth adventure and 
together, we will all go far πŸ’ž

What about you?

In a year from today, will you still be feeling the way you've already been feeling for so long now, figuring life out all on your own, doing the same frustrating things that have been holding you back for years, keeping you stuck, feeling hopeless, lonely and getting nowhere?


Will you be full of momentum and feeling fulfilled, with an easygoing excitement, surrounded by like minded people and loving your new direction in life?

This choice is totally yours πŸ’•

How could this change your life? πŸ’ž

Membership Summary

3 levels to choose from.
With Gold and VIP memberships available.

🌟 Gold Membership πŸŒŸ
(Founding Members)

It's only $7 a month - for six months.

Available for Everyone!

🌟 Monthly Masterclass with a topic of the month.

🌟 Enjoy being a part of the Insider's community via both the Facebook group and the student portal community.

🌟 Any available PDF Downloads, checklists, summaries and more, to go with each Masterclass.

🌟 Weekly content on the topic of the month, often delivered via the Facebook group.

🌟 New, weekly content also uploaded to your student portal so you can always find it easily.

🌟 10% lifetime discount on all new courses by The Evolution Plan.

🌟🌟 *V.I.P.* 🌟🌟
(If chosen.)

🌟 One 1:1 Personal coaching call each month for six months, with Lisa Maree, via messenger audio or phone.

🌟 Ongoing conversation for six months with myself, Lisa Maree, via Voxer, text and voice messaging. This is where the magic really happens with priority Voxer style momentum.

🌟 Complimentary 🌟 access to Mindset Mastery 101!

🌟 You have priority access to my calendar, so you can book your 1:1 calls at a time that suits you :-)

🌟 A monthly workshop for V.I.P. members only, where we do personal, deep dive work on the theme for the month.

🌟 All workshop replays provided

🌟 20% lifetime discount on all new courses by The Evolution Plan.

🌟 Lifetime access to Gold membership.🌟

Limited spaces available - All the details are inside.

Message me below if you have any questions πŸ˜Š


Get Your Gold Membership 
Plus Save $5 off Mindset Mastery 101!
5 Steps to Emotional Freedom.

🌟 Founding Member Special πŸŒŸ

Available for Everyone!

🌟 Discover my five steps to feeling the freedom that comes with just a bit of knowledge. 

🌟 Activate your soul guidance and up level your intuition.

🌟 Know when your feeling your illusions so you never get caught out.

🌟 Head to heart thinking. The difference and when, where and how to use them.

🌟 Complete control of your mind. Life's more fun in the driver's seat.

🌟 How to master the power of your focus.

🌟 Lifetime access to Mindset Mastery 101!

🌟 All future updates to Mindset Mastery 101!

🌟 Everything in your ongoing Gold Membership for life, after your first six months πŸ˜ƒ

🌟 Everyone πŸŒŸ

All founding members keep ongoing gold membership for life.
After paying for just your first six months.

That's you!
This is so cool guys πŸ˜Ž

Insiders The Accelerated Evolution Experience.

Begins January 2023 - With Continuing Gold Membership

Katherine, from London says;

"You are very kind. You put in such a big effort for me. I appreciate it very much."

A recently single, beautiful lady in her 50's.


Now, I know you have some questions, so here are the answers to some of those 😊

When does all this start?

Our first live masterclass is scheduled for the 11th of August, at 11am, West Australian time. Replays will be available and I'll be reading all the comments on the replays as well 😊

Click here to see the time converter.

How do I get in?

So easy! Just hit the "Enrol now" button under the top video.

Choose one of the three options below and click on it 😊

Once you've signed up, you'll be taken to the registration page where you can create your username and password if you don't already have them.

As always, if you have any questions during the signup, I'll be happy to help. 

How long will each of the masterclasses and workshops go for?

We have one masterclass each month, and one V.I.P. workshop per month, plus all the extra weekly content.

Even though I think these sessions will run for about an hour, there's actually no set time limit. It could run longer, or shorter. We'll just keep going until it feels complete, and if I need to cover anything else later on, I'll add another video, a written post or audio file, answer your questions or whatever is needed.

My predictions are: The masterclasses and workshops will go for around an hour each time. 

How long does the gold membership go for?

I was born for this, and I absolutely love seeing my kind of people grow and discover their freedom, so I intend to keep running the Gold level membership for the rest of my life πŸ˜ƒ

Of course it will evolve as we go, just like we humans do, and as a Gold Member, you get to help shape the long-term direction we take, as we accelerate our personal evolution together.

Reminder: As a Founding Member, after your first six months of membership at $7 a month, you keep, Gold level access for free, even all the new stuff, for as long as this thing goes. 

How long does the V.I.P. membership go for?

The V.I.P. Memberships go for six months.

In this time you have:
- Constant access to me, via Voxer for six months.
- Access to the live monthly V.I.P. Only workshops.
- All monthly workshop replays in your portal.
- Two personal 1:1 coaching calls with me.
- Priority access to my bookings calendar.
- Total access to all things in the Gold Membership.

When the six-month program has come to an end, you'll still have ongoing access to everything in the Gold Membership level.

While I don't like to make too many promises, I'm very likely to run another V.I.P. Program, sometime in 2023, so if you'd like more, you can sign up again for the next one.

What if I can't make a live class or workshop?

The V.I.P. Workshops will be held via zoom and I wholeheartedly encourage you to come along to soak up the energy and benefit from the engagement, and just have a great time together. I don't want you to miss out on that.

But I understand that we all get busy.

If you can't make it live, you'll all be able to watch the Gold level, masterclass replays in the Facebook group, and they'll also be uploaded to your online portal.

For V.I.P.s: You will be able to see your workshop replays in your online portal. I'll also send you an email shortly after each workshop with the link to the replay.

As these workshops are for V.I.P.s only, they're more intimate and personal. I reserve your right to privacy, and to know that you're only sharing it with fellow V.I.P.s. This is why they won't be available in the Facebook group for everyone to see.

I upload everything to the portal so, if anything should ever happen to the Facebook group, we will still have access to everything in your membership level, always and forever more.  

What if I have more questions?

I'll be doing Q&A sessions so, as an Insider, you can always have your questions answered inside the Facebook group.

If you're a V.I.P. You have ongoing access to me via Voxer, or you can send me a text via messenger.

I prioritise Voxer as I can get quite busy, and the only people who have access to me there are my V.I.P.s πŸ’

How does the money back guarantee work?

There is a 30 day money back guarantee starting on the day you sign up. This gives you a whole 30 days to see if it's a good fit for you.

I know you're going to love this, but just for your peace of mind, if you're not happy, just let me know by clicking "Contact" in the top menu bar above, and let me know you'd like your money back.

I don't want to take money from anyone unless you're completely happy with the value you're getting. 

What if I need to cancel my subscription?

It's as easy as sending me a quick email. Just click "Contact" in the top menu bar above, and ask me to cancel your subscription.

There are no questions asked, unless you'd like to give me feedback. I'll cancel it right away, and you'll get an email to let you know it's been done. I can still love you from a distance πŸ’ž

Why do you need to ask for a cancellation?

There's only one reason. I would like this to be easy for you. Unfortunately, the third party software we use doesn't allow people to click a couple of buttons to cancel your subscription yourself. We just don't have that function.

I promise I'll still love you from a distance, and of course, if you'd like to sign up again later on, you're always more than welcome back πŸ˜ŠπŸ’ž

How can I get in touch with you?

V.I.P.s can keep in touch daily, via Voxer 😊 and everyone can ask questions in the Facebook group (feel free to tag me) and on the live masterclasses.

If you need to get in touch privately, the best way is to message me via Facebook messenger. There's even a messenger button on this very page if you'd like to message me there.

You can also send me an email via the support page in the online portal, via the "support" tab up the top of this website."

This is a founding member special πŸ˜ƒ So, what happens after the introductory offer ends?

As you know, right now, when you sign up to Insiders - The Accelerated Evolution Experience, you only pay your membership fees for the first six months, and still keep ongoing access for life.

After the introductory offer ends, the price will be $7 per month (U.S.) every single month, ongoing.

The prices for both Gold and V.I.P. memberships may also go up in the future, so if you'd love to get in on the ground floor while the prices are so low, and Gold is for life, then you really to sign up before the countdown ends.

"Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together."

~ James Cash Penney.

Lisa Maree Pitman

Lisa Maree is an Emotional Freedom Coach. 

As an introverted empath, her work is all about radically increasing your well being, as well as your relationships, no matter what else is happening in your life. 

She's also a Humanistic Neurolinguistic Psychology Practitioner and The Founder of The Evolution Plan.

When it comes to relationships, the best part is? You can bypass the struggle of getting someone else to work on things with you, because even if they have no idea what you're up to, you can still level-up your relationships, all on your own.

Sometimes just a chat is enough to release an emotional block. Other times there's a need to go back in time and heal old emotional wounds.

Lisa Maree works with individuals in private sessions. She also does group coaching and runs a very affordable membership group called β€” Insiders β€” and she has online courses available. 

If you'd like some personal coaching or support from Lisa Maree, her "Voxer Day" chat program might be for you. 

You can check that out here:;

William. Perth, WA

"Astonishing. Whatever the hell you do with your life, please don't stop the emotional positivity coaching. You're amazing and it bloody well works. Thank you!!"

A now happy Husband with three University degrees!

This is an introductory offer only πŸ’ž


When the timer ends, this awesome introductory offer is ending too.

🌟 Right now, you get access to Gold membership, for life. 😎
So make sure you grab it before the introductory offer is gone.

Most popular

Gold Members

$7 USD

per month

  • Build emotional freedom, fulfilment and creativity.

    • An all-inclusive monthly Masterclass on the topic of the month.
    • Extra Weekly content on the topic of the month, as needed.
    • New, weekly content also uploaded to your online portal.
    • Q&A Sessions to have your questions answered.
    • Be a part of the Insider's community.
Join Gold

When the timer ends, this awesome introductory offer is ending too.

Leanne. Perth, WA

β€œLisa has got, the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met. I like talking to her because I can tell her anything and I know she won't judge.”

Formerly a target of bullies, Leanne is now confident, strong and loving her life.